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abaqus软件分析指南206:czone for abaqus选项模板-博天堂登陆

来源: | 作者:thinks | 发布时间: 2024-02-23 | 205 次浏览 | 分享到:


以下模板包括基本的abaqus选项和创建破碎分析所需的所有可用的czone for abaqus选项。模板中有两个块,每个块都以材料定义开始。第一个区块是用于蔡武伤害初始化。第二块是用于hashin伤害初始化。模板的其余部分继续引用蔡武模型的所有材料。模板使用abaqus/cae中使用的部件和实例输入文件格式;但是,czone for abaqus不要求您使用这种格式。



*part, name=part-1

node, element, section, set, and surface definitions

*end part

*assembly, name=assembly-1

*instance, name=i1, part=part-1

additional set and surface definitions (optional)

*end instance

assembly level set and surface definitions

*end assembly


**material with tsai-wu damage


*material, name=material1


independent parameter definitions for plane stress orthotropic elasticity

*elastic, type=lamina

data lines to define the material constants

data lines to define the material constants with damage evolution

*depvar, delete=1

data lines to define the 3 dependent variables (status, tsai-wu, and stiffness degradation)

*user defined field, czone, properties=16

data lines to define tsai-wu failure stresses and the original material stiffness and absorbed energy

*crush stress

data lines to define the crush stress as a function of orientation

*crush stress velocity factor

data line to define the stress scaling factor as a function of relative velocity (optional)


**end tsai-wu material definition



**material with hashin damage


*material, name=material2


independent parameter definitions for plane stress orthotropic elasticity

*elastic, type=lamina

data lines to define the material constants

*damage initiation, criterion=hashin

data lines to define the hashin failure criterion

*damage evolution

data lines to define the evolution of damage leading to eventual failure

*crush stress

data lines to define the crush stress as a function of orientation

*crush stress velocity factor

data line to define the stress scaling factor as a function of relative velocity (optional)


**end hashin material definition


*surface interaction, name=int-1


specify the friction coefficient

*initial conditions, type=velocity

nodeset1, dof, initial_velocity


*step, name=step-1

*dynamic, explicit

, time


**optional boundary condition for use with *crush stress velocity factor


*boundary, type=velocity

data line to define stress scaling factor and relative velocity


*contact inclusions, all exterior

*contact property assignment

 , , int-1


**output requests


*restart, write, number interval=integer, time marks=no

*output, field, variable=preselect


specify desired element, contact, and history output requests

*end step




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